Parent Corner
State Requirement
It is required by the State of Utah, Child Nutrition Program, that all children are clocked in and out by their Parent/Legal Guardian, or person designated by the Parent /Legal Guardian. PLEASE-clock your child in the computer every day! A $5.00 fee will be added to your account if your child is not clocked in or out of the computer.
Care for Days Not Scheduled
If your child needs care on days other than your scheduled days, you must call first. Depending on the teacher-child ratio we may not be able to let your child come for that day. All extra days will be billed at the less than 5 days a week rate.
Child Care Assistance Co-Pay Policy
The COVID relief money will be ending, and co-pays will be reinstated beginning in January 2023. Parents are responsible for co-pays and any additional fees that may occur. Any co-pays or other expenses up to $150.00 that are not covered by government assistance are due by the 1st Monday of the month. If your co-pay is more than $150.00, see the director to work out payment arrangements. Late fees will apply if co-pays are not paid on time. (Child Care Assistance Co-pays are paid first, and any balance or credits are between Children’s Classic and Workforce Services.)
Termination Policy
We require a 30 day written notice if your child should terminate from our school. If a 30 day written notice is not given, full tuition will be charged. You may re-enroll your child after he/she has been out of our center for 4 or more weeks. If your child re-enrolls before 4 weeks, he/she will not be considered terminated and additional charges for days absent will still apply. Parents who receive childcare assistance are also required to give a 30 day written notice. If this notice is not given, you will be required to pay privately.
Past Due & Delinquent Accounts
All tuition should be paid in advance or on Monday of the current week. If your account is not paid in full by Friday, Children’s Classic has the right to refuse services until account balance becomes current. When your account is more than 14 days past due, a $50.00 fee will be charged.
If your account goes to COLLECTION, then a collection fee – 33% of the balance due will be added to your account. I agree to pay all attorney fees, court costs, filing fees, including charges or processing fees that may be assessed to me by any collection agency retained to pursue this matter.